
  • Tips For Taking Care Of Pets During Hurricanes And Emergency Evacuations

    If you live in an area prone to storms or hurricanes, make some strides to prepare and plan for an emergency before it hits. Pets can become very distressed during a hurricane; do what you can to make them as comfortable as possible during these emergency situations. Ensure your cat or dog's comfort and safety during hurricanes with these tips: Prepare an emergency kit. Before the storm hits, prepare a pet emergency kit in a durable bag or backpack.
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  • 3 Things You Can Expect When You Take Your Dog In For A Veterinary Dental Cleaning

    Just like humans, it is important that you make sure your dog's teeth are well taken care of. This not only involves using a dog toothbrush and toothpaste to brush their teeth on a regular basis, but it also involves taking them into the vet to get a professional dental cleaning. This dental cleaning allows the vet to thoroughly inspect your dog's teeth and gums and to give their teeth a good cleaning.
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  • Treating And Preventing Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs

    A urinary tract infection (UTI) can make your dog downright miserable. He or she may yelp while urinating, experience blood in the urine, or urinate in unwanted areas such as inside the home. If left untreated, what starts as a minor UTI can spread into the bladder and kidneys. So, it's important to treat a UTI effectively, and then to take steps to prevent your dog from developing another one.
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  • Dental Disease And Your Cat's Health

    Your cat hides their illnesses well, and that goes for any dental problems they may have. You have to be the diligent cat owner and watch for signs of any dental issues. If left untreated, your cat can develop some serious and painful health problems. Here are some of the signs that your cat is in distress and what can be done to help them. Looking for Signs of Dental Problems
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  • The Key Factors To Choosing A Diet For A Cat With Kidney Disease

    If your cat has been diagnosed with kidney disease, chances are your veterinarian has told you that it's important for them to eat a special kind of cat food. Understanding what your cat will need in their diet is an important part of keeping your kitty healthy for as long as possible. This guide will explain what can hurt your cat, help your cat, and how to build your cat's diet around these things.
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  • What You Should Never Do When You Have A New Puppy

    Getting a new puppy is an exciting decision, and your new pet's "puppyhood" is a time to be cherished. It flies by for adults and kids alike. However, having a new puppy is a big responsibility, and it's easy to make little mistakes that can have big repercussions. Avoid making the following mistakes when you get a new puppy. Never Get a Puppy Without Preparing Your Home A puppy is likely to be curious and get into everything.
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  • Common Behavioral Changes In Older Cats, And What They Might Mean

    When a cat is 8 years old, this is equivalent to a human being 48 years old. When your cat reaches the age of 10, this is comparable to a 56-year-old human. As your cat ages, his or her behavior is likely to change. It is normal for older cats to be less energetic and a little slower-moving than young ones. Other behavioral changes that are seen in older cats, however, are often indicators of disease or health conditions.
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  • 4 Ways To Make Your Dog More Comfortable At The Vet

    Taking your dog to the vet can be challenging, especially if your dog knows where he is the moment that you arrive. Your dog may try to drag behind, making it difficult to even get into the vet's office, or he may act scared, which can make you feel bad for your dog. In reality, vet visits typically aren't that bad. In order to get your dog comfortable with this, you will want to consider these four ways to make your dog get used to it:
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  • Subtle Signs Your Dog May Be Ill or Injured

    Unless it is very obvious that your dog is ill, you might not know when a dog should go to the vet. However, there are some more subtle signs that the dog is uncomfortable, in pain, or suffering from an illness. Here are some behaviors you should not ignore. Being More Vocal One of the more subtle actions your dog might be doing that tell you something is wrong is simply being more vocal.
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  • Hypothermia In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

    Hypothermia is a serious medical condition that can be present in all mammals. To keep your dog healthy and safe, it's important to understand what causes it, what signs your dog will show if they're suffering from it, how it's treated, and how it can be prevented. What Causes Hypothermia? Hypothermia is a condition that is caused by a drastic drop in body temperature, usually from exposure to cold temperatures for extended periods of time.
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