• Pet Dental Care: 3 Tips That Will Make Brushing Your Dog's Teeth An Easier Task

    Regular dental care and the maintenance of dental hygiene is crucial to your dog's health. Most veterinarians recommend starting a tooth-brushing regimen when your pup is about 6 to 9 months old; however, as most pet owners know, brushing your dog's teeth is not going to be an easy task. There's a good chance that you are going to have to wrestle your dog in order to even get close to their teeth, but if you don't, they may develop oral diseases that will have a significantly negative impact on their overall health.
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  • Tails Of Woe: Anal Issues That Can Afffect Your Dog's Health

    While it may not be the most pleasant subject, health issues in your dog's anal region can severely affect their quality of life. Some problems may result in serious illness or death. When your dog exhibits behavior such as excessive licking, biting, or dragging their anal region, blood is seen in the urine, or their bathroom habits change, it is time to visit a vet.  While some issues are merely annoying, others can be life altering and can significantly lower the quality of life of a beloved pet.
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  • Steps To Take When You Notice String Hanging From Your Cat's Behind

    Many cats enjoying playing with a piece of string. If you dangle a piece in front of them, they will most likely give it a bat with their paw and perhaps try taking a nip. What happens when a cat gets a hold of a piece of string when you are not monitoring their activity though? In some instances, they may swallow the entire piece. If you happen to see a piece of string hanging from underneath your cat's tail as it makes its way through the digestive system, you will need to take proper steps in having it removed without harming your cat in the process.
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  • A Quick Overview Of Your Dog And Their Need For A Rabies Vaccination

    As a dog owner, there are many important decisions that you will need to make on behalf of your canine. Although you are probably aware that the rabies vaccine is required by law in many places, the frequency with which they should be given has been a subject of debate for some time. However, it is important to point out that although each state has made three year vaccine shots legal for all dogs, many cities or counties throughout the country still require one year vaccines.
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  • Why You Need To Save Your Tom Cat From The Girls Next Door

    If you have an intact adult male cat and he goes in and out of your home, you may have already experienced him roaming the neighborhoods and visiting any female cats that live nearby. Many times, an intact (meaning he is not neutered) tom cat will stay gone for hours and even days at a time when out visiting the girls. However, taking steps to save him from the girls down the street is extremely important for a few reasons.
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  • Sick Pet? Two Tips To Help You Get Financial Assistance For Medical Care

    When your pet stops being the playful, fun-loving being that you're accustomed to, you want to take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.  However, you may have some reservations because you know that you don't have room in your budget to pay for it.  Don't let your beloved pet suffer in silence; use this information to learn more about what you can do to get medical care for your pet that fits within your financial constraints.
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  • All About Ear Tipping For Cats

    If you're interested in having your cat spayed or neutered and your veterinarian has mentioned ear tipping, you might be perplexed. However, ear tipping is regularly performed on cats, especially those that are feral, immediately following their spaying or neutering surgery. This guide will explain what ear tipping is, why veterinarians perform it, and whether or not you should have your cat's ear tipped. What Is Ear Tipping? Ear tipping is the act of clipping a small section of the cat's upper left ear away.
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  • Winter Care For Your Dog: What You Should Know

    When you adopt your first dog, you are likely excited and nervous about the prospect. It is exciting adding a new member to the family, but you may be nervous about making sure that you provide them with the best possible care. And when winter rolls around, you may wonder if there is anything special that you should be doing to care for them and protect them from the elements. Get to know some of the important steps you should take to care for your dog during the winter months so that you do not have to worry anymore and can breathe easy.
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  • The Do's And Don'ts Of Leaving Your Beloved Pooch At A Dog Boarding Facility

    No matter how much you feel bad when you stare at those pitiful puppy dog eyes, there are some situations when Fido just cannot go with you and will need somewhere safe to stay. Thankfully, there are many pet boarding facilities available with the primary purpose of taking care of pets while their owners are away and even some veterinarians offer this service to their customers. However, leaving your pooch alone for the first time can be a little unnerving.
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  • 4 Signs That Your Cat Is Having Kidney Problems

    Kidney disease is one of the most common illnesses for a cat to acquire in their lives, but its symptoms often go unnoticed. While there's no known cure for kidney disease in cats at this time, recognizing the symptoms can help you and your veterinarian to come up with a treatment plan and slow the progression of the disease. Here are four symptoms of kidney disease that you may have overlooked in your own cat.
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